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[text tag=”p” typography=”Text {line-height: 22.85714286px;font-size: 16px;}”]Here you can register you details to join Pure Umbrella or transfer from your existing Umbrella company. 

Here is a reminder of what makes SRM Payroll the number 1 choice for contractors;

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  • No Joining Or Leaving Fees
  • Employment Benefits (SSP, SMP/SPP And Holiday Pay)
  • Pension And Childcare Voucher Schemes Available
  • Fast And Accurate Timesheet Processing System
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Reimbursement Of Approved Business Expenses
  • Fast And Accurate Same-Day Salary Faster Payments System


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[button href=”/contractors/register/” style=”button-52″ icon_css=”margin-left:0.5em;”]Register Today[/button]

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